Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For my first entry

Ten things to know about me:

1. My feet is somewhere between a size 7.5 to 8. I do not have the same size for all brands. Sometimes I'll be a size 7 in one, then an astonishing size 8 in the other.

2. I do not know if I'm flat footed. I have a high arch.

3. My feet hurt when wearing flat shoes. I'm more comfortable walking around in 4-inch heels. The lowest heel I'll ever wear is 2 inches.

4. I do not wear boots. Ironically, I own 2 pairs and they're both black.

5. I'll buy several designs that belong to the same tan-beige-khaki family. Blame it on having a 9-5 job.

6. When there's a shoe I like, I won't but it right away. I'll sleep on it....then forget about it. This is also one way of saving money ;)

7. I do not have nice toes so you'll never see me wearing sandals. Only when I'm driving.

8. I do not have a shoe closet. This option disappeared the time I got married. It was 5 years ago.

9. I like, make that, LOVE having my parents over the weekend! It gives me the excuse to give the plastic some serious exercise :)

10. If the shoe fits......i'll still sleep on it.

Welcome to my blog!